Mixed Species Live Plants

Rs. 600.00
In stock
  • Mixed species Live Plants
  • 4 different Species on Black Pot.
  • Total Qty ; 8 POT
  • Big Sized adult plants 2 pot x 4 Species each.
  • 3 species Live Plants RED & 1 species Live Plants GREEN.


Combination of cuttings of stem plants and individual crown plants.1 Stem cutting = 1 plant.You will receive a good mix of stem cuttings and rooted plants- Amazon Swords/acropa Moniera/Cabomba Caroliniana/Ceratophyllum Denersum/Cryptocoryne becketti/Echinodorus amazonica/bleheri/tenellus/Elodea densa /Ludwigia arcuata/palustris/Rotala indica/wallichii/Sagittaria Platyphylla/Subulata/Vallisneria spiralis/rubra (serpanta) And many other species depending on season.

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