SUNTEREX 97 Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Parasite Killer Powder

Rs. 900.00
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  • SUNTEREX 97 Broad Spectrum Disinfectant Parasite Killer Powder; Size : 100gm
  • (Imported Fish Medicine) Authentic Sunterex is used to eliminate parasites, ticks, anchor worms, leech, protozoa.
  • SUNTEREX 97 is a Tricrophon drug. used for eliminating vectors.
  • Treat external parasites such as bell ticks, anchor worms, fish ticks, ichthyosis, used to kill the host in the pond during the preparation of water.
  • Get rid of all types of shrimp and crabs.
  • Including various insects, including shredded shrimp, scallop, hard-headed shrimp, glandular shrimp, krill, plum shrimp, black tiger shrimp, blue crab, sea crab, dragonfly larvae, and aquatic insects, etc

How to use; Use at the rate of 198-495 grams per Hec (pH 7.5-8.5) at a water depth of 1.5 m. Mix 10-20 liters of water, splash all over the pond ,(1).pond size 4 Hec, water depth 1 m. Use 528-1,320 g, Water depth 1.2 m. use 633.6-1,584 g, water depth 1.5 m. use 792-1,980 g (2) 5 Hec pond, water depth 1 m., use 660-1,650 g, water depth 1.2 m. use 792-1,980 g. , Water depth 1.5 m. Use 990-2,475 grams. // Note 1. Use Sunterex 97 only for preparing water before releasing the shrimp 2. After using Sunterex 97, the water should be rested for 10-12 days before the shrimp/Fish can be released. 3. Sunterex 97 is highly toxic to aquatic animals. Not to be released into natural water sources.

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