White Crane C R 8

Rs 800.00
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White Crane C R # 8 ; 10 gm/jar. Yellow Color Enhancer Vitamin for all tropical Freshwater fish. The most popular yellow chlorophyll color enhancer vitamin for all kind of yellow fish C.R.#8 will increase yellow color to all yellow fish, such as Golden arrowana, golden gourami,golden oscars,golden discus,gold fish,guppy,molly,cichlids,koi. etc Can be used on breeder fish effectively Results can be achieved within 7 days. Available Pack; 10g/1 pack & 60g/6 pack.

Usage;Use 1/2 gm with 100g food- flakes, pellets,live feed-daphnia,shrimp egg.shrimp meat,tubifex worm,etc. Recommendation; Dilute 1gm to 20 ml water water and mix well to dry food.

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