PRODIBIO Start Up; 12 Vials Pack Bio Digest + Stop Ammo Start an aquarium very quickly -within hours. Start Up enables you to quickly introduce 1/3 of your toughest fish into your new aquarium. After 4 hours in Freshwater & After 12 hours in marine water. Available Size;12 Vials Pack & 30 Vials Pack.
.Live bacterial strains aquarium cleaning by waste matter digestion is helped by the presence of numerous different strains of heterotrophic bacteria nitrates and phosphates are reduced enables water to be effectively purified prevents the spread of filamentous algae converts ammonia into nitrites - nitrites into nitrates - and - nitrates into nitrogen.Stop Ammo: traps and stops ammonia and reduces nitrite production prevents the fish from being shocked or killed.
Sera Fil Bioactive 400 Plus UVRs 29,000.00
Tropic Marin Pro Coral MineralRs 1,500.00
Tropic Marin Bio MagnesiumRs 2,400.00
Tropic Marin Triple BufferRs 1,900.00
Tropic Marin Omegavital MicroRs 1,950.00
Tropic Marin Omegavital NoriRs 900.00
Versele Laga Oropharma Glucose VitaminsRs 1,050.00
Versele Laga Oropharma Supra PillsRs 3,600.00
Versele Laga Oropharma Oro BathRs 1,400.00
Sera Fil Bioactive 130Rs 12,700.00